Golden-brown cottage cheese chips seasoned with green herbs, presented on a rustic wooden surface, highlighting the simplicity of the one-ingredient recipe from’s keto collection.

1 Ingredient Cottage Cheese Chips Recipe: Healthy Keto Snack

Did you know you can make high protein low carb chips (crisps) with only 1 ingredient? This 1 ingredient Cottage Cheese Chips is the best gluten-free, high protein, low carb, keto alternative to chips. Make the Viral Cottage Cheese Chips Recipe if you are trying to eat healthier. It’s quick, super easy, tasty and perfect for low carb snacks.

These Cottage Cheese Chips are a fantastic source of protein, keto-approved, and super easy to make! Living a gluten-free, low-carb life doesn’t mean giving up on tasty treats. If you’re missing that satisfying crunch of a chip, this crunchy snack recipe is your new best friend.

With just a cup of cottage cheese and an optional dash of flavors, you’ll create cheese crisps that’s not only nutritious but also versatile. Say goodbye to flour and hello to a gluten-free, low-carb chips option to the traditional potato chips that you can savor with any topping or dip of your choice. Whether it’s cheddar cheese, sour cream, or even a sprinkle of herbs, these chips are here to satisfy.

Still think one ingredient can’t possibly deliver that much-needed crunch? I hear you, and that’s exactly why I’ve got a video to prove it!

Hop over to my YouTube channel to see the step-by-step process of crafting these Cottage Cheese Chips.


  • full fat cottage cheese (that’s it!)
  • Optional flavors for fun:
    • garlic powder
    • Italian herbs
    • dry chives
Twelve golden-brown cottage cheese chips with visible curds, baked to perfection and arranged neatly on parchment paper, showcasing a keto-friendly snack from’s recipe collection.
Cottage Cheese Chips Keto Friendly


Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Optional step (I’ve skipped it and the chips still taste great): for a smooth texture, place the cottage cheese and any seasonings you want to use into a blender and blitz until smooth.

Spoon dollops onto the baking sheet and flatten.

Bake for 10-12 minutes until you’ve got golden, crunchy chips.

A variety of golden-brown cottage cheese chips with a bubbly surface and crispy edges, displayed on a wooden board against a marble countertop, from’s keto recipe collection.
1 Ingredient Cottage Cheese Chips

Note: Keeping Your Chips Crispy

Reviving Soggy Chips 

Don’t let a little moisture dampen your snack time! If you find your Cottage Cheese Chips have turned soggy overnight, there’s a quick fix. Just pop them under the grill for a couple of minutes, and voilà, they’re back to their crispy glory. So go ahead, make a big batch, and enjoy the crunch anytime!

Crunchy homemade cottage cheese chips with a golden-brown hue, sprinkled with fresh green herbs, presented on a wooden cutting board, showcasing a simple yet delicious keto-friendly snack, from’s keto recipe collection.
1 Ingredient Cottage Cheese Chips

Flavor Variations for Your Cottage Cheese Chips

Italian Herb Delight

For a taste of Italy, sprinkle your chips with a blend of classic Italian herbs before baking. The aromatic combination of basil, oregano, and rosemary will transport your taste buds straight to the Mediterranean. Perfect for pairing with a slice of mozzarella or a dip in marinara sauce!

Chive Chips Burst

If you’re a fan of a subtle onion flavor, dry chives are your go-to. They add a fresh, mild taste that’s perfect for those who enjoy a hint of zest without overpowering their palate. These chive-flavored chips are excellent with a dollop of sour cream or as a crunchy addition to your favorite soup.

Remember, the sky’s the limit when it comes to flavors. Feel free to get creative and share your own combinations with the community!

There you have it! A snack that’s as easy to make as it is to munch on. Perfect for movie nights or when you’re on the go.

If you loved transforming cottage cheese into these crunchy chips, you’ll be thrilled to know that the same magic ingredient can also create an amazing 1 ingredient Cottage Cheese Flatbread. It’s another one of my one-ingredient wonders that’s perfect for sandwiches, wraps, or a quick pizza base. Check out the recipe here and keep snacking smart!

Scrumptious 1 Ingredient Cottage Cheese Chips, perfectly golden and crispy, sprinkled with herbs, ready to satisfy your keto cravings. Find the full recipe at’s Keto Recipes section!
1 Ingredient Cottage Cheese Chips


Q: How should I store my Cottage Cheese Chips to keep them fresh? 

A: To keep your chips fresh and crispy, store them in an airtight container at room temperature. Make sure they’ve cooled completely before sealing them up to prevent any moisture from softening them.

Q: Can I refrigerate my Cottage Cheese Chips? 

A: It’s best to avoid refrigerating these chips as the moisture can make them soggy. Stick to room temperature storage for the best texture.

Q: What if my chips get soggy? 

A: No need to worry! If your chips lose their crunch, just spread them on a baking sheet and pop them under the grill for a few minutes. They’ll crisp right back up.

Q: How long will my Cottage Cheese Chips last? 

A: When stored properly, your chips can last up to a week. But let’s be honest, they’re so tasty they probably won’t stick around that long!

Q: Can I freeze Cottage Cheese Chips? 

A: Freezing is not recommended for these chips as they may become very soggy once thawed. They’re best enjoyed fresh or stored at room temperature.

Golden-brown cottage cheese chips seasoned with green herbs, presented on a rustic wooden surface, highlighting the simplicity of the one-ingredient recipe from’s keto collection.

1 Ingredient Cottage Cheese Chips

Author: Rally Rus
This 1 ingredient Cottage Cheese Chips is the best gluten-free, high protein, low carb, keto alternative to chips. Make the Viral Cottage Cheese Chips Recipe if you are trying to eat healthier. It's quick, super easy, tasty and perfect for low carb snacks.
5 from 1 vote
Net Carbs: 0.4g
Print Recipe Pin Recipe
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 8 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Snack
Cuisine Keto Diet
Servings 20 chips
Calories 10.3 kcal


  • 1 Spatula
  • 1 Baking Tray
  • 1 Parchment paper


  • 1 cup full fat cottage cheese

Optional flavors for fun taste

  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon Italian herbs
  • 1 teaspoon dry chives


  • Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Optional step (I’ve skipped it and the chips still taste great): for a smooth texture, place the cottage cheese and any seasonings you want to use into a blender and blitz until smooth.
  • Spoon dollops onto the baking sheet and flatten.
  • Bake for 10-12 minutes until you’ve got golden, crunchy chips.
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Make sure to leave space when dropping in the cottage cheese, as these spread.


Serving: 1chipCalories: 10.3kcalCarbohydrates: 0.4gNet Carbs: 0.4gProtein: 1.2gFat: 0.5gSaturated Fat: 0.2gSodium: 33.1mgPotassium: 10.9mgSugar: 0.3gVitamin A: 14.7IUCalcium: 8.7mgIron: 0.01mg
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  1. Rally Rus

    5 stars

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